This post contains the following sections:
Section | Name
X...................Miscellaneous & Archived Forum Threads
i............Miscellaneous Threads
ii...........Locked/Archived Threads
iii..........Contest Threads
XI..................Thanks To
X----Miscellaneous & Archived Forum Threads
i............Miscellaneous Threads
- Audio Age - Age of different audio artists.
- E-Penis Size - How many fans do you have?
- Weekly Top 5 Archive - Archive of the weekly top 5 songs.
ii.............Locked/Archived Threads
- Audio ppl Piccies (Uber Squee!) ^^ - Locked thread made by Chronamut showcasing the beautiful faces of NG audio artists.
- Original Audio Forum Lounge - The ORIGINAL Audio Lounge that was locked because of all the spam.
- Audio Joint - Pretty much the same thing as the Audio Lounge. It was locked because it was too similar.
- The Software Announcements Thread - Locked.
- Screenshot Archive - Doesn't have a lot to do with Audio, but still an awesome site that allows you to see what NG used to look like,
iii..........Contest Threads
- Robot Day Audio Contest (2010)
- Represent A Country 4
- Let's Bel-Air-ize Things!
- Exquisite Corpse 3
XI----Thanks To: Keep in mind, this list is in NO particular order.
- Rucklo - For all the great threads you've made and for having a ban hammer the size of Sweden.
- RageVI - All the threads you've made that have helped keep the AF clean.
- Rig - Thanks for your awesome list of lists.
- Chronamut - For being...well, you.
- Sorohanro - Thanks for all your sample packs and awesome trumpet skills!
- Auz - For the idea of the Table of Contents as well as a few other features.
- Nal1200 - Thanks for your tutorials.
- Denvish - The creator the best thread ever: - Audio Forum Lounge.
- Echozaurora - You DJ, you... :P
- Nav- For you contributions to the list.
- Koriigahn for your input on this entire thing.
- Mich - Thanks for helping me update.
- Newgrounds Staff - Thanks for Newgrounds.
Lastly, but not least: - YOU! All the threads you have made, all the help you've given everyone. Thank you.
If you want to be on the Thanked List, - PM me something that I can put on here. :P
I'm sorry if I missed anyone!
Thanks for mentioning me there and thanks for your nice words.