voted 5
Really interesting song. Very upbeat and happy. Kind of makes me want to dance. haha
The percussion is what really caught my ear. I love songs with a great kick and heavy bass. The only problem I had with the percussion was the cymbals. I do find they give a lot of ambiance as well as make the song sound full, and you lacked a little in that department. Not a bad thing, but it's just my personal preference.
The Melody was really great. I liked it a lot. It really caught my ear. Although a little repetitive it was good! I really loved those counter-melodies as well. They added a lot to the song.
Your pads were pretty good as well. They added that extra 'umph' to the song. Really kept the song going in my opinion.
Overall great song. Keep up the good work
-TMM43 (DJ-Pinke)