Voted 4
Pretty much the same review as before. I like this one A LOT better than the other one! The Beat is great. I love it.
Voted 4
Pretty much the same review as before. I like this one A LOT better than the other one! The Beat is great. I love it.
Originality 10: VERY Original concept. I like this quite a lot.
Clarity 9: A few parts get muffled, but not bad.
Diversity 10: VERY diverse, kinda Reggae ish, classic rock, and everything in between really!
Effort 10: In order to combine all those music genres together you gotta put a lot of effort into this!
To tell you the truth, this reminded me of smoking. I don't know why. But it did. haha
voted 4
Originality 9: Very strange, strange is good!
Clarity 9: Fine quality
Diversity 9: You had a lot going on in a 5 second loop!
Effort 8:'s 5 seconds.
Due to the shortness of this loop, I really can't review you on too much. I can't really tell you what's good or what's bad about this. Make some longer songs so I can! =) You have potential, it just seems like you aren't pushing for it. Take a step out of the ordinary, who cares if a songs bad? At least you tried, right?
Anyway, Keep trying.
One day I will make a great, original, groundbreaking, 3 minute song.............but not anytime soon. To lazy.
voted 5
Originality 9: I don't listen to Jazz that much, nor do I like it all that much. But this, my friend, is quite a good track!
Clarity 8: I'm not too sure about that kick you put in there. It lowers the 'quality' of the song. But it all comes together in a really beautiful way.
Diversity 9: Diversified!!!
Effort 10: Seems like you put quite a lot of work into this. Nice work.
I have listened to a few Jazz songs on here, and this one is really good!
To respond to your little message at the end: I found the same thing. haha
put some music in my food today, gimme some reggae reggae sauce, hot reggae reggae sauce...
yeh, as a jazz track this is super dumbed down. 10 for effort is a bit generous, this took 30 mins tops. glad u enjoyed it tho
voted 4
Originality 6: Sorry, but this has been done SOOO many times. I'm a little annoyed with it. (Don't be angry, just keep reading.)
Clarity 9: VERY clear. Couple parts where it got a little loud, but no biggie.
Diversity 9: You have some new sounds in there. Adds to the eerie-ness of this song!
Effort 10: Sounds like some complicated areas were in there. You did a great job with perfecting the sound quality and making a 'build up' (I LOVE build-ups).
OVERALL 8: Only because of the originality factor.
Please don't take this review as mean, I'm not trying to be. I'm here to help you.
To tell you the truth, this is really good version of the Tetris song. I like it quite a lot actually.
Again, don't take this as offense. Keep up the good work!
Voted 5
Originality 10: Very new type of audio.
Clarity 8: Sometimes the synth got a little loud for my speakers...
Diversity 10: You go from ambient to Techno is a hot minute!
Effort 9: I sure as hell don't think I could make something like this!
This is a new type of audio on Newgrounds, and I'm liking it a lot!
Voted 5
Originality 9: Very original concept.
Clarity 8: Kinda 'confusing' at times. Too many things going on at once in some parts.
Diversity 10: Incorporation of many different sounds.
Effort 9: Sounds like a complicated piece.
Keep this up. I like this quite a bit.
Thank You :)
Really simple to make.
voted 5
Originality 9: I don't think I've ever heard something like this before. Which is a good thing!
Clarity 8: Some parts seemed a little too far away, and then that 'scratching' noise came in.
Diversity 10: LOTS of sounds
Effort 9: Some things seemed a little random, but everything else worked together well.
Nice work.
Thanks for the review! This one was really helpfull!
By the way I have checked some of your audio out.. you´re great! :D
voted 5
Originality 8: This was only because you used Midi, but still AMAZING job remixing.
Clarity 10: Everything was in perfect harmony.
Diversity: Every song had it's 'moment' and nothing seem to be too over powering than another.
Effort 10: Seems like you worked hard on this.
Really good job. Keep it up.
Thanks mate, great review. :)
voted 5
Haha, well then! This is a rather good piece! Really nice job with this.
A few things I didn't like:
The guitar...It seemed a little distorted. But that can be worked on.
The BOOMS at the beginning. They were weird sounding. Choose a different one.
This I liked:
The synth. Good choice for this song.
The melody thing. I liked the 'screeching' i guess you could call it. haha
Good job, keep it up.
All right. Thanks guy.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 6/26/05